How To Live Life To The Fullest

I get this articles from a friend of mine... I post it here coz I found it very useful and might encourage me to live life to the fullest... :)

* Never take anything for granted. Savor every bite of a meal, enjoy what you have, and live each day as if it is your first day of your life.

* Do not let the child inside you disappear or die. Keep your curiosity alive by being inquisitive and open-minded. No one ever regretted on their death bed what they did; they definitely regretted what they did not do.

* Change a little everyday. That way you will never get stuck. See what is happening around you, and rather than feeling threatened or getting suspicious, embrace change. Ask what change you need to make and do it little by little. Whether it means learning how to send text messages from your cell phone or living with gay neighbors, adapt yourself. You will never get old that way.


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